Surveyors to Education are the UKs most successful independent CIF funding agency having secured over £50 million worth of funding for our clients in the past two years alone.
Read MoreThe Department for Education (Dfe) has just announced a new capital fund to support trust growth and development across England. The fund, also known as the trust capacity fund or TCaF in short, has made £17 million available for eligible trusts.
Read MoreAs school budgets have tightened over the years, more and more have become reliant on dedicated funds and grants offered by the government and other NGO’s to help support vital expansion, refurbishment or safeguarding projects.
Read MoreAt Surveyors to Education (S2e) we have the knowledge and expertise to tackle any project, no matter how big, small or complex to ensure that we deliver the optimum learning environment for your pupils.
Read MoreWe have produced an ebook guide to help you navigate the latest GEM guidance. To register and download your copy of the ebook, please click on the Read More link below.
Read MoreAt Surveyors to Education (S2e) we have a history of completing over 700 capital projects, thereby giving us the expertise and knowledge to leverage exceptional value for money.
Read MoreSurveyors to Education (S2e) are experts in dealing with both ESFA and non ESFA educational funding sources and can help you secure the right funding for your upcoming project(s).
Read MoreAt Surveyors to Education (S2e) we work together with our clients and help them develop the optimum learning environment for their pupils, no matter the project size.
Read MoreAn exciting part of being an ISBL approved partner is being able to attend their regional and national events which are geared around school leaders and industry colleagues sharing ideas and best practice.
Read MoreThe ESFA has recently published the outcome of the 2019 Condition Improvement Fund (CIF) round, with £433m being committed to 1412 projects across 1209 academies or 6th forms across the country.
Read MoreThe London Excel provided the world-class setting for the Schools and Academies Show earlier this month, with thousands of visitors coming through its doors keen to engage and learn from industry peers.
Read MoreThis year we will be exhibiting again at the Schools and Academies Show at the Excel in London on the 3rd and 4th April. Visit us on stand 1124 to see how we could help you achieve your educational goals and objectives.
Read MoreSurveyors to Education (S2e) are proud to announce that we have just recently become approved partners of the Institute of School Business Leadership (ISBL).
Read MoreThe Department of Education has recently announced a T-level fund of £38 million will be made available to support selected schools in making sure that they have high quality equipment and facilities in order to deliver the new T-levels qualifications from 2020.
Read MoreAt Surveyors to Education (S2e), we work hand in hand with academy and MAT clients to help them develop the optimum learning environment for their pupils, no matter where they are on their estates journey.
Read MoreIt is widely accepted that the first few years of a child’s life are critical to their future development and as such a lot of emphasis should be placed on achieving quality early years education.
Read MoreWe are very pleased to welcome Michael Durham to the expanding S2e team, serving clients in the North of England.
Read MoreThe DfE and ESFA have recently published a collaborative guide on ‘Good Estate Management’ (GEM) to help support schools and academies in managing their estates efficiently and effectively.
Read MoreYou need a condition survey before you can prioritise SCA spending. Each year, the largest Multi-academy trusts (MATs), with at least five academies and more than 3,000 students in them, receive a School Condition Allocation (SCA) from the Government’s Education and Skills Funding Agency.
Read MoreWe are very pleased to welcome Tim Warneford to the expanding S2e team, serving clients across the south east, London and home counties.
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