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New funding announced for SEND in mainstream schools

£740 million capital investment to adapt classrooms and create specialist facilities

The government has announced a £740 million fund to help mainstream schools adapt so that they can provide places for pupils with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND). The initiative aims to alleviate the overwhelming demand for places in state special schools by enabling more children with SEND to stay in mainstream schools closer to home.

Plans to reform England’s SEND system

The number of children requiring SEND support has surged in recent years. More than 576,000 children in England now have an Education, Health and Care Plan (EHCP) outlining the extra help they need. However, the rise in demand has outpaced the capacity of both mainstream and specialist schools.

Funds were allocated in the Autumn budget to develop plans to transform England’s SEND system by helping more pupils with SEND to have their needs met in mainstream schools. “Building a system where more children with SEND can attend mainstream schools is central to our plans,” said Secretary of State for Education, Bridget Phillipson.

The National Audit Office has highlighted the very limited progress made in making mainstream schools more inclusive in recent years, harming children’s life chances. “Increasing capacity for this will help children get the support they need more quickly,” said Leora Cruddas CBE, Chief Executive of the Confederation of School Trusts.

Adapting classrooms and creating specialist SEND facilities

This new capital funding can be used by mainstream schools to support improvements in provision for pupils with SEND in two ways:

  • By adapting classrooms to be more accessible for children with SEND. This may include installing ramps or lifts, or adding soundproofing.

  • By creating specialist units or facilities within the school that can deliver focused, tailored support for children with more complex needs - acting as a bridge between mainstream education and specialist schools.

If you run a mainstream school or MAT, funding may be available to help you adapt classrooms to be more accessible for pupils with SEND, and to create specialist facilities that offer greater inclusivity.

Guidance for schools and MATs

Allocations will be confirmed in the Spring, alongside the publication of guidance outlining how councils can use this investment to improve local mainstream provision. 

If you would like to discuss how this funding could support your pupils’ SEND needs, or would like help in applying for funding, please contact S2e on 0116 5070130 or email