Ebook: How to decarbonise your school estate
Download our eBook guide on how to decarbonise your school estate.
There are many ways academies and MATs can help protect the environment and help fight climate change by finding renewable and cost-effective solutions to reduce energy costs and carbon emissions.
We have produced an ebook on how to decarbonise your school estate which looks at the two essentials of decarbonisation:
Generating energy: from heat pumps to solar panels, biomass and wind power.
Conserving energy: from insulation to smart energy-management technologies.
It’s about replacing grumbling old boilers and making draughty classrooms and sports halls far more comfortable places to teach and learn. It’s also about energy savings that can free up extra money for other demands within your school.
And while wind turbines, solar panels and heat pumps are making schools more environmentally friendly, they can also play a part in science lessons and your overall fossil-fuel free strategy.
“Students learn how they work and are encouraged to do more themselves to tackle climate change.”
Government funding for decarbonisation
Funding is available through the Public Sector Decarbonisation Scheme (PSDS) which has so far funded over £2.5 billion of carbon-saving energy schemes. At Surveyors to Education we can support you in obtaining the funding to help MATs and academies achieve their green agenda.
During the last round of decarbonisation funding we successfully secured decarbonisation funding for over 30 schools and academies with a 100% success rate.
We hope you find it useful, however if you need any further support please do not hesitate to contact us on 0116 5070130 or email on enquire@s2e.org.uk.