eBook: Health, Safety and Estates compliance
Ensuring a safe and compliant environment for your school and academy
This eBook is aimed at helping trustees and leaders of schools and academies develop or review their health and safety strategies, ensuring a safe and compliant environment for all.
Health, Safety and Estates Compliance - a brief guide
Compliance with health and safety legislation is essential to ensure the safety and health of its staff, pupils, and any visitors. School and academy trustees and leaders have a legal duty of care and must, take steps to follow the approved code of practices and guidance to effectively manage their management systems and estates.
However, by investing in time and resources; well managed health and safety management systems can reduce accidents, improve staff retention and reactive spend over the longer term.
Download our eBook and learn more about key areas of Estates Health and Safety compliance:
Health and Safety Policy
Risk Assessment
Asbestos management
Fire Safety
We hope you find it useful, however if you need any further support please do not hesitate to contact us on 0116 5070130 or email on enquire@s2e.org.uk.
If you would like to download the eBook, please fill in your details below: